Sunday, March 7, 2010

Braidout :)

So this week i decided to skip the rollers and create a more "fun" look. So i went through some Youtube videos to find a good Braidout method.

I really liked Traycee's from K.I.S.S but i used Coconut oil instead of Sweet almond oil and here are the results :)...I will definately be doing this style as it gets warmer.
Please excuse my face lol I took these pics myself and i was quite giddy about the results:).
This is what i did:
I washed, deep conditioned and i applied leave in conditioner. After I let my hair air dry about 60% i applied more leave in (Fructis Anti Frizz) and coconut oil.
I did 4 braids (2 in the front and 2 in the back and rolled the ends with a foam roller)and i put on a scarf.
In the morning after my braids were 100% dry I picked them apart using my fingers. One thing i found helpful was taking a bit of coconut oil in my fingers to take out the braids. This eliminated any frizz.

Also, I have been experiencing some seasonal shedding which is very disturbing to me. Losing any amount of hair gets me annoyed but I will ride it out.

It is within what i consider normal but I am incorporating a Dominican product line called "Baba de Caracol" to see how it goes. I will keep you guys updated.


  1. Wow Gissell, your braid out looks amazing. your hair looks so shiny and full of life; not to mention that it makes you look so sexy. keep it up!

  2. Que linda! I love it. I haven't used Baba de Caracol yet. Anything with the word "baba" is going to gross me out LOL Maybe I'll try it next time I go to the BSS.
